It's the following morning from a work day that went from "wierd..." to "huh?" really quick. Apparently, there are certain factions down here that are aligning themselves against others in this non-professional courtesy way. Essentially, there is something that we here at work have offered for many years and have done successfully. There is another group that is looking to replicate some of our events in the tune of d minor. D for duh and minor being a lesser version. This is all because we do it right and they think it's as easy as stealing it. Our events are established. Our events are successful. Making a move like this against us will only harm our reputation and cause confusion through improper identifying of the brand.
What sucks is that this is all politics. Everything that I wish to stay away from. The only problem is that I have a ton of loyalty to this place. I have every intention of being here and doing what I can to protect what's "mine". If we can't copyright this stuff we WILL do it the right way with the new events that we will come up with along with proper policies and procedures on how supporting members will conduct themselves as representatives of the Museum.
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