Tuesday, September 19, 2006
9/19/2006 11:57:00 PM - First week of classes DONE!
Well the YC crew just got done doing our opening registration classes for Bay City and Saginaw. Amazingly, but expected, Saginaw didn't have a very strong showing compared to Bay City. I figured this since we switched locations and some people might not be aware of it. Bay City had 50 kids and it will probably be even bigger come next week for the second round of registration for the stragglers. I think that Saginaw will probably get higher than the measly 36 kids that showed up tonight, come next week. We will see. It's going to be crazy to say the least.
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
9/17/2006 02:33:00 PM - Silly people and how the boss will precieve "work"
So I'm sitting at work looking out a large pane glass window out into the hallway. For about what I can track as about 1-1/2+ hours of this grunt getting up on the top of a step ladder, wiping painted drywall with a soapy solution, getting down about 1-2 steps, wiping the next section below then wiping from her shoulder's height down to the floor boards... Lather, rinse, repeat. I just find it odd how people still think that "Ya got time to lean, ya got time to clean..." work regimen is still effective. All it does is just cause large turnover in your staff. I can't believe how the young ones (whom this girl was CLEARLY a part of) will put up with it but then bitch to no end that it sucks and how they hate their boss/work. They will then move onto how much they need the job and they WILL NOT look for another one. Lather, rinse, repeat. People will find themselves in a Catch 22 all their lives if they don't do something about it. We aren't talking about Darwin here, just common sense. Maybe that's what the slave drivers are trying to show them? LOL!
9/17/2006 02:33:00 PM - It's Friday!
I've got a demo to do with the kids today at the annual Bay County Fair. I selected the shiniest kids for the demo. They are QUITE promising. Even the White belts that came in for the Summer Session. What's nice is that I've got a great selection of Saginaw kids and Bay City kids along with individuals and siblings. Good things to show off. Photos to come.
9/17/2006 02:29:00 PM - PodCast starting soon!
So it looks like
Nyracat and I will be doing a PodCast on Bay City and surrounding areas. This could be fun! It's going to be about what's going on mainly in the Downtown area but all over the Tri-Cities as well. Full RSS feed will come along with it. Keep an eye out, it should be available within the next 2 weeks (or sooner!)
9/17/2006 02:28:00 PM - Art Truck Battle... Lego Style!

Back in an age gone by when the 32-bit gaming ruled the Earth... There was a game that stood out from all the rest. It was called Art Truck Battle! It was probably the best slot car racing game out there! LOL! Seriously. The game play was quite shallow in every category of being a racing game. The only redeeming factor? It's not called Art Truck Battle for nothing! The whole idea of the game was to deck out your 18 wheeler withthe craziest interior and (best of all) your exterior. Behold...
Deco-Truck: Red Fuji!!! It's a Lego version of the afore mentioned Art Trucks that are being done up in Japan!
(Special thanks to SignOfZeta for sending me the information)
9/17/2006 02:25:00 PM - SpikeTV's 4th of July Marathon!
Haha! SpikeTV has a 4th of July Marathon going on right now. It's called the "4 Fathers of Action!!" (Get it?) It's Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Steven Segal and JC Van Damme. LOL! They actually said JC Van Damme! So I've got photos and some video to show off, but I'll post that later. They are of the great 4th weekend that happened here from Sat to last night. Now we are going to go get Fresh on the Gravitron. (She says she won't do it... I say otherwise. >:D )
9/17/2006 02:18:00 PM - Making 11+ people late for work, 1 Nyra at a time
So Nyra and I drove in separately to work today since we both have our own appointments afterwork. (I go to pick up Freshness and we go to Martial Arts class. After work Nyra heads out to her meeting in Saginaw as well.) Anyway, Nyra took off not even a minute before me so I figured I could catch up with her and play a little leapfrog along the way. Be that as the original intention, I hit every conceivable stop light along the way out of town. Fun. Given the particulars (type of car, who is driving, etc...) I knew I could just catch up in no time. (Yeah, right!)
There's nothing like a pile cars in the fast lane going barely faster than the slow ones. Thinking this was a tad odd, I had a feeling I knew what was up since this was morning rush for work time on the freeway.
Almost 15 minutes into the drive just to confirm my suspicions, everything became crystal clear. In the last stretch of cars before the exit where we would have split, I find Nyra at the head of the pack keeping the last 11 cars back, making sure that everyone was going at least 5 mph under the speed limit. I'm sure it was a good time had by all. The funny part is when I finally get side by side with her she totally ignored me. I was honking, waiving my hands and everything else I could besides slamming into her.
Snob... :p LOL!
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