I just found out that last week, Anarchy Online went free! Now I know it's the fullllllllll uber duber version, but it's still the original AO game in it's entirety... FOR FREE. MMORPG's are cool, but I have always hated paying for a game that you can't play unless you pay for the game again and again. That's why I never got past my 2 helpings of EverCrack. Both my characters never lived past lvl10. RuneScape is cool in that aspect. Ragnarok was like that till they got a huge following and went out of their unlimited beta phase. Same deal with Myth of Soma. I guess I'll be AOing it for a little while to see if Ilike it. If not? Darn, I'm out the download time. Big whoop. ^_^
IF you don't know where toget it, try here... http://www.anarchy-online.com
Monday, December 20, 2004
12/20/2004 12:14:00 PM - Speaking of MMORPGs...
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